Civil Engineering Institute MACEDONIA is a private company, founded in 1975, with a tradition of 48 years, successfully building its vision - to be a leading company in the
the field of civil engineering through continuous investment in innovation and human capital.

Over the years of its operation, Civil Engineering Institute MACEDONIA JSC Skopje developed into a world modern company, as part of the complex world business system, and today, it is a leader in the domestic market, but also in the Balkans through its active subsidiaries in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Albania, and Romania.

CEIM is a unique brand that offers a wide range of services and provides complex solutions for the most complex projects in the field of civil engineering: consulting in all project phases (preparation and audit of studies, urban plans, designs, tenders, reports), supervision and quality control during construction, project management and engineering, laboratory quality control of construction works and materials, certification of construction products, performance of geological, hydrogeological and geotechnical research works, performance of complex specialized construction works.

The company has more than 300 employees, 155 are engineers (more than 50 of them are masters and doctors of sciences) of all profiles: civil engineering, architecture, geology, geodesy, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, ecology, chemistry and technology. The high professionalism, expertise and commitment of the personnel and the competence of the management team are a guarantee for the constant quality of the services and customer satisfaction.


To be a leading company in civil engineering in the country and the region by maintaining transparency, professionalism, quality, and loyalty with our clients and associates (partners) and creating a dynamic and motivating atmosphere for our employees who are experts in their field, satisfying the interests of our shareholders. We are aimed at preserving the environment through the concept of sustainability.


Our mission is to be a regional leader in civil engineering with constant and sustainable development, invest and create additional value by delivering innovative and quality solutions to satisfy our clients.


The executive units of the company's business activities are the Sales Sector and the five Operating Offices Departments (Design, Supervision, Geotechnics, Laboratory, Operations).
The intensive cooperation between the departments enables comprehensiveness and quality of the services for which the company is recognized and appreciated.

The areas of expertise in which the company develops and offers services include: building construction, civil engineering, water economy, dams and complex hydrotechnical systems,
water protection and management, energetics, industrial technologies, environmental protection and improvement, geotechnics, geology and hydrogeology and the quality of the
construction materials and products.


The mission of the company is, through continuous development, to be a regional leader in civil engineering and to constantly offer high values of services by providing reliable, qualitative and innovative solutions. For that purpose, it continuously implements technological-business development strategy based on a system of high values of:
professionalism, quality, responsibility, ethics, initiatives and innovation, teamwork and high results.

The company is recognized and appreciated for such operations by its customers and business partners - public and private investors, domestic and foreign companies,
international financial institutions, industrial and academic institutes.

It has won several national awards and recognitions for business success, innovative solutions and practices, and social responsibility.

CEIM has also initiated and participated in several national and international events for improving the construction sector.

Со цел да го користи своето повеќедецениско искуство и високата стручност на кадарот, Компанијата е основач и сопственик на Научен институт за истражувања во
животна средина, градежништво и енергетика ИЕГЕ. Во комплементарна соработка и синергија на индустриско искуство и научна експертиза на двата института се
through complementary cooperation and synergy of industrial experience and scientific expertise of both institutes.
