CEIM performed a deep exploratory well in Slatina spa – Laktashi (Bosnia and Herzegovina).

CEIM performed a deep exploratory well in Slatina spa – Laktashi (Bosnia and Herzegovina).
CEIM performs slopes stabilization in surface excavation in Cement Plant Usje which is currently in the phase of construction.
ГИМ учествуваше во сите фази на истражни работи за изведба на браната Света Петка, како и во изведба на главната инекциона завеса на браната, каде...
Lopare - in 2020 CEIM made research on lithium.
On November 7, 2012, CEIM started working on the rehabilitation of the injection curtain on the Spilje dam.
Reconstruction of the Slatino Dam was made, including all accompanying facilities, which enabled its function for irrigation of agricultural areas of 450 hectares.