In the period from 2011 to 2013, GIM was in charge of construction of exploitation wells in the Surface Mine Podinska Coal Series (PC PJS), as follows:

In the period from 2011 to 2013, GIM was in charge of construction of exploitation wells in the Surface Mine Podinska Coal Series (PC PJS), as follows:
Предмет на обработка на овој проект е објектот: Заштитно корито на р.Црна во зона на зафат за снабдување на РЕК Битола со сирова вода, поточно...
Градежен институт Македонија успешно ја одигра улогата на надзорен орган на повеќенаменскиот комплекс „Diamond of Skopje“, кој го ревитализира центарот на Град Скопје.
CEIM cooperated with the Austrian company STRABAG as a current laboratory during the construction of the expressway Stip-Radovish.
CEIM made cooperation with the Spanish company RUBAU as a current laboratory during the construction of the expressway Farish - Drenovo.
The geotechnical-research project for the Bogdanci Wind Farm started in June 2014 and is authorized by Siemens SA.
CEIM supervised the entire architectural phases for the construction of the Macedonian Philharmonic in Skopje.
CEIM carried out laboratory, control works for geomechanics, concrete, and asphalt for the construction of the dam "Kozjak" in the municipality of Makedonski Brod.
CEIM performs slopes stabilization in surface excavation in Cement Plant Usje which is currently in the phase of construction.