Scientific - speleological action

The scientific-speleological action organized by the Institute of Geotechnics from the Civil Engineering Institute Macedonia and the Center for Isotope Investigations in Climatology and Environment from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, was held on 20.03.2019 with the support of the Speleological Club "Zlatovrv" from Prilep.

The action was carried out within the interdisciplinary investigations related to the impact of the Messinian salinity crisis in Macedonia.
As part of this expedition, the Donna Duka cave was visited (total length 650 m - fourth in length in Macedonia) and samples were taken from its deepest parts for further analysis to determine the age of sediments with cosmogenic nuclides to be performed in Hungary and France.

The action was attended by a team of geologists from the Institute of Geotechnics - Igor Taleski, Marija Makesoska, Filip Jovanoski and Ivica Andov, as well as Dr. Marjan Temovski from the Center for Isotope Research in Climatology and Environment from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.