Градежен Институт Македонија - ГИМ, преку својата подружница во Црна Гора, ДОО "Градежен Инситут Монтенегро" започна со градежни активности – Изградба на станбено – деловен...

Градежен Институт Македонија - ГИМ, преку својата подружница во Црна Гора, ДОО "Градежен Инситут Монтенегро" започна со градежни активности – Изградба на станбено – деловен...
CEIM performed investigative geotechnical works and installation of inclinometers as well as new landslide monitoring in Grdelica Gorge. The main Contractor in the project is Integral Engineering.
In the Moravian Corridor, Section Pojate - Preljina with a length of 110 km, CEIM was in charge
CEIM has been a Consultant to STRABAG, a Contractor who reconstructs the M2 road, section Rozaje - Spiljani in Montenegro.
In the period from 2011 to 2013, GIM was in charge of construction of exploitation wells in the Surface Mine Podinska Coal Series (PC PJS), as follows:
CEIM performs geological investigation works in Varesh (Bosnia and Herzegovina), where Eastern Mining LtD Tisovci Varesh appears as Investor.
CEIM performed rehabilitation works for control of the leakage waters under the body of Vishegrad Dam (Bosnia and Herzegovina).
Design for improving the water balance of the reservoirs Krupac (Montenegro).