Почеток на проектот FIC-Fighters – Трансформирање на отпадот

On June 1, 2024, we proudly launched the FIC-Fighters project, marking a significant step towards advancing the circular economy. Our mission? To revolutionize the recycling of phosphogypsum waste (#NORM waste) into valuable resources across various industries, while mitigating environmental risks.

This ambitious initiative, funded generously by the European Commission with a budget nearing €12 million (with an EU contribution of approximately €10 million), spans four dynamic years of collaborative effort. With 26 esteemed partners—including universities, research centers, NGOs, SMEs, industries, and local authorities—we are set to tackle sustainable solutions through 6 comprehensive case studies.

The kick-off meeting, held on June 11 in the vibrant city of Seville, was a resounding success. Partners from diverse backgrounds convened to strategize on the project's work packages, deliverables, and the crucial next steps ahead. Special thanks to IDENER.AI for their perfect organization of the meeting and to Vessela Stoyanova-Monteleone from the European Research Executive Agency (REA) for her unwavering support.

The journey ahead promises groundbreaking advancements in how we perceive and utilize phosphogypsum waste. Our focus extends across multiple sectors—paper, cement, batteries, fertilizers, detergents—and will actively involve local communities in fostering a sustainable circular economy through ongoing dialogue.