CEIM is to create a basic hydrogeological map (BHGM), a strategic document for our country. These researches have a regional character

CEIM is to create a basic hydrogeological map (BHGM), a strategic document for our country. These researches have a regional character
To protect the waters of a source for water supply to the population, CEIM, in cooperation with PHI Institute for Public Health
The strategy for water management in the Skopje region analyzes all aspects related to surface and groundwater
CEIM performed investigative geotechnical works and installation of inclinometers as well as new landslide monitoring in Grdelica Gorge. The main Contractor in the project is Integral Engineering.
In the Moravian Corridor, Section Pojate - Preljina with a length of 110 km, CEIM was in charge
ГИМ Геотехника до сега има избушено повеќе од 13.000 метри во рамките на проектот кој се реализира во Лопаре, во близина на Зворник, Босна и...
Конзорциумот Bechtel&Enka со Владата на Република Србија кон крајот на 2019 год. потпиша договор за изградба на модерен автопат Појате – Чачак со вкупна должина...
On the side of the Artist of the work Integral Inženjering, in the period of 2015 – 2020 period.
CEIM performed a deep exploratory well in Slatina spa – Laktashi (Bosnia and Herzegovina).
The geotechnical-research project for the Bogdanci Wind Farm started in June 2014 and is authorized by Siemens SA.