Groundwater in our country is a strategic natural resource, but its potential is not sufficiently explored, used, monitored, recorded, protected and managed . The Swiss Confederation, through its Embassy in North Macedonia and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, saw the need to implement the National Groundwater Register ( GWDSM), and carry out some activities for its development. The design has a duration of 2 years (01.10.2020 to 31.12.2022), and a consortium of three companies, as follows, implement it: Intelligent Network Solution (INS) - Skopje, Civil Engineering Institute Macedonia, JSC - Skopje and EBP Schweiz AG - Switzerland.
The main goal or vision of the design is to gather and present all information and data about groundwater in a planned and organized manner. The mission of GWDSM is contribution to sustainable management, including the identification, use, protection and monitoring of groundwater at the national level, by enabling conditions for the main actors to manage the national groundwater data management system and creating technical conditions for the development and operationalization/setting up the groundwater data management system at the national level.